Defeating RNM and V2K with Brainwave and EEG Devices

Brainwaves are the thing that are monitored by Remote Neural Monitoring and altering them by focusing on something like television or a video game can completely remove your monitoring.

There is also an app on the Apple AppStore called “Brainwaves” that I am currently using to help defeat my RNM, which in turn should defeat my voice-to-skull as they will no longer be interested in monitoring me.

The best option I have found for this is Muse and Muse2 headbands, but I cannot afford one at the moment:

There is also the Muse S headband, which comes in at about $349 which is helpful for sleep and may defeat RNM as well as help lull you to sleep with its’ guided meditations and sleep brainwaves:

They are also EEG headbands and can be used to monitor things like your Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Movements.

I HIGHLY suggest trying one of these routes if you are a Targeted Individual with remote neural monitoring or voice-to-skull. Also, if you are being kept up at night the Muse S may very well be worth it. I plan on ordering a Muse2 and Muse S within the next couple of weeks and will report back!

COINTELPRO Gangstalking Guide

Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations…. FBI’s COINTELPRO, Operation Gladio, NATO Stay Behind Armies, and Ongoing Global U.S. Military “Unconventional”/”Civil-Military”/” Psy-War”/”Information War” Operations

Posted onMay 9, 2019AuthorEric Karlstrom5 Comments

Chapter 18 Overview of Harassment Methods Used By (FBI’s) COINTELPRO, (OPERATION) GLADIO, Covert Community Recruits and Stay Behind (Armies): (OR “Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers”)From Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde’s “Bright Light on Black Shadows”ETK Instruction: I have reproduced Dr. Rauni Kilde’s chapter 18 here because it is an instruction manual for community gang stalkers. These same techniques, and perhaps this same manual, were evidently also used in the FBI’s COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) and Operation Gladio/Stay Behind Operations in Europe between about 1950 and 1990. They also accurately describe the U.S. Military-Intelligence’s ongoing, global gang stalking operations as documented in “New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control” by Mark M. Rich (2011). All these top-secret operations went on, officially undetected, for decades; Gladio/Stay Behind functioned secretly and illegally throughout Europe for four decades, when it was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Andriotti. Shortly thereafter, the European Parliament made a resolution condemning Gladio (see Appendix 1), but acknowledged that it may still be operational!Like American author, Gloria Naylor (see her book, “1996”), and countless others, Dr. Rauni Kilde was a “Targeted Individual” (TI) for decades. She was harassed, defamed, tortured,and eventually, on Feb. 9, 2015, murdered in this program.As neither Dr. Kilde nor her publisher were/are native English speakers, there are minor grammatical errors in the text. To make the text read more smoothly, I occasionally add additional words, which I place in parentheses.In her book, Dr. Kilde does not specify where she obtained this instruction manual or who authored it. However, as Chief Medical Officer for Northern Finland, she was an “insider” who was invited to many open and secret conferences. Her husband was also a political insider. Thus, she was privy to top-secret documents. Doubtless, she does not divulge the author(s) of this document in order to protect her informant(s). I note that many phrases and spellings are peculiar to the British form of the English language. This could reflect Dr. Kilde’s spelling and usage patterns. OR, it could reflect the fact that the original document was written by British military-intelligence operatives. If so, we may speculate that it was authored by an individual or group associated with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which grew out of the Psychological Warfare Division of the British Army at the close of World War I and has, for decades, been the world’s “brainwashing center.”Regardless of its exact authorship, this is an extremely important document that should be read and understood by all “targets.” Clearly, this is a manual for psychological warfare that presents the methods by which an extremely complex military-secret service hierarchy surveilles, punishes, “neutralizes” and ultimately murders its designated “targets.” There are obvious comparisons to be made with the CIA’s KUBARK torture manual, which has been employed in Vietnam, Latin America, the Middle East, and indeed, in CIA “black sites”/”extraordinary rendition” centers throughout the entire world. The psy-war system described herein bears a remarkable similarity to the operations and procedures of the U.S. military’s “Fourth Generation Warfare”/”Civil-Military Operations”/”Military Operations Other Than War”/”Unconventional Warfare”/”Asymmetrical Warfare”/”Psychological Warfare” and “Information Warfare” operations as detailed in Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control.” (See Appendices 2 and 3 for a comparison of key terms in each program.) Indeed, the systems are identical.The remarkable revelation provided here is that modern organized gang stalking operations are identical with, or nearly identical with, those used in the FBI’s secret COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) of the 1950s-1970s, the top-secret “Gladio” and other “Stay Behind Army” operations of Europe between 1950 and 1990, and the destabilization and citizen-elimination operations now being carried out in the name of “counter-terrorism” by the U.S. military in approximately 140 of the world’s 195 nations (see The World is the Battlefield, US SOCOM Involved in 134 “Counter-Terrorism” Wars).Thus, we can properly understand the global organized gang stalking operations (which I refer to as GOG’s NeW GESTAPO for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups Electronic Slavery, Torture and PsyOp Operations) as a major component of the phony Global War on Terrorism and the “Full Spectrum Dominance” strategy of the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire. Welcome to the New World Order Antichrist-fascist-communist totalitarian police state in which the “battlespace” is the entire world and “you” are the enemy.Further details regarding the advanced technologies now being used in covert global Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment operations are provided in Appendix 4 (from Total Individual Control Technology by Ominsense.Dr. Kilde’s Chapter 18 text is followed by these appendices:

Appendix 1: Key words and phrases, taken directly from this manual.
Appendix 2. Key terms from Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011). (ETK comment: Note that the terms, definitions, military documents, laws, and patents provided by Rich prove the existence of the operations described in Kilde’s “manual.”
Appendix 3: European Parliament Resolution On Operation Gladio
Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense


Operations in general are of the “active surveillance” type. Passive surveillance is watching a target covertly, to obtain information about the target. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it (also) includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance. Beyond active surveillance, agents perform acts to keep the target uncomfortable, around the clock. Although operations are silently approved of, and covered for by the official justice system, (they are not) seen as criminal in nature by citizens who do not have a strong sense of right and wrong.

Agents must take great care that each and every act of punishment is DENIABLE. This means that should the target complain to police, (or) any other officials, or friends, neighbors, family members, or doctors, the nature of the punishment must be seen as the target’s “overactive imagination” or better yet, an indication the target is mentally ill.

(The system) has worked for years to recruit the medical establishment to help maintain deniability, and today, most targets (are) immediately labeled as mentally ill and often forced onto anti-psychotic medication when they complain. But their agents must still do their part skillfully (to) perform acts of punishment, so (that) almost anyone the target complains to will deny a crime against the target has taken place. As an agent, you will be trained in how to do this.

(The system) has been blessed with advanced technology which enables heavy punishment at times the target is in their home, silently, through walls, and this is very deniable. Agents must pass their initial training and demonstrate a high level of commitment to maintain community safety, and the ability to operate deniably, before they will be considered for advanced electronic punishment training. Electronic punishment training is beyond the scope of this manual.

The organization is very fortunate in that we have been able to recruit top specialists to back up field operations people. Psychologists are the key to find(ing) ways to maximize feelings of stress and hopelessness in the target, and degrading the target’s health, from many individual “minor” invasive punishment acts. Technician’s in all fields- telecommunications, electric power, building electrical and alarm systems, and utility employees in all fields use their positions to inflict many absolutely “normal-looking” problems on targets on an ongoing basis. And of course, the services of many skilled locksmiths are invaluable in this. As a community-based agent (CBA) you will have the privilege of working with a team capable of delivering better “justice” than the official system.


Surveillance is the foundation of all operations. Both community-based agent (CBA) visual surveillance and advanced electronic surveillance are used. This chapter will cover only local agent visual surveillance. Your local lead agent will schedule surveillance watches for each target in that community. Every target will have at least one CBA watching them (at) all times, even while at home and asleep. Each CBA surveillance team will be given a cell phone number for reporting target actions and movement to the local Control Center (CC).

Actions to be reported include, but are not limited to:

Target turns lights on to start the day.
Target uses toilet or shower
Target exits residence
Target drives away
Target arrives at work, or
Target shops or visits any other establishment or location.
Target arrives home
Target eats meal, at home or in restaurant
Target engages in sexual activity
Target turns lights off at the end of the day
Target turns light on in the middle of the night
Target travels out of town

Some of these observations will be performed by the Electronic Corps (EC), but CBA’s should attempt to make and report as many detailed observations of target activity as possible. The reason such detail is necessary is that the punishment phase of active surveillance requires that supervisors customize each punishment action to match the personality of (the) target, and the need to make each punishment action appear to be “life’s normal breaks.”

One important punishment function of surveillance is to sensitize the target. Targets are never told they are under surveillance or being punished. Instead, close, active surveillance and other activities, happening far to frequently to be written off as “life’s normal breaks,” will eventually cause the target to realize they are under surveillance and punishment.

As a community-based agent (CBA), you will be given specific instruction(s) on exactly when, where, and how to carry out punishment actions. As long as you carry out punishment instructions exactly as given, there is no way the target will be believed if they complain, and you will not be exposed to risk of action by law enforcement.

How well the punishment actions work depends on how accurate and complete your reports are in many situations(. The) Control Center (CC) acquires access to properties or apartments immediately next to the target’s homes or apartments. Because EC (Electronic Corps) has through-the-wall surveillance and punishment equipment, they will be reporting target activity along with community-based agents. In a typical setup, CBA’s may be posted in a parked car where the target’s home or apartment can be observed overnight, for example.

In this setup, the CBA in the car may be instructed to call, using walkie-talkie-style cell phones, another CBA (or team) waiting or patrolling by car nearby to follow the target, or, you may be assigned to follow the target yourself. You will receive instructions from your local center as to following the target.

Targets in transit may be either covertly or visibly followed. When in doubt, hang back a bit, and contact the center for instructions, as targets in transit can present many unanticipated situations. The Center will always have the target’s position monitored, so if a target gives the CBA the slip, it will assign other appropriate community based agents to pick up the target at the earliest opportunity. Be sure to notify (the Control Center) immediately if you lose the target.

When applying the visible following of a target, making the target uncomfortable because of your presence, you will be given instructions as to when to break off the following. Another CBA or CBA team may pick up the visible following, but once you have broken away, they advise that you are clear and ready for the next assignment.


Intercepts are where community-based agents (CBA) will appear to “just coincidentally” cross paths, on foot, with the target. Once the target has been sensitized to the point of realizing they are under surveillance and punishment, they will recognize, and be made appropriately uncomfortable by, the simple act of multiple CBA’s “just happening to” cross paths with them.

Your local control center will instruct you as to how you will be cued to perform an intercept. Often you will have an on-site supervisor (OSS) position you, and give you hand signals as to when to start your movement to intercept the target. Because targets moving about aren’t always totally predictable, the success of CBA intercepts depends heavily on the Electronic Corps who have means of monitoring the exact whereabouts of every target, and through computer programs, predict exactly when and where a target will be as they move about the community. Your local OSS has a special means of receiving instant, silent instructions for the Center.

1. Intercepting CBAs may be asked to perform one of the following forms of intercept:

2. Simple path crossing, requiring the target to take evasive action to avoid collision, multiple CBAs sometimes perform this several times during a single outing by a target.

On foot, walking for an extended period on the opposite side of the street from walking target.

3. Arriving at a place known to be a favorite of the target, and simply occupying that place just as the target is about to arrive (restaurants, parks, public facility seating, even bus seats are examples); sometimes just “hanging out” in such a location at times and places where people don’t ordinarily do that.

4. Smoking, coin-jingling, whistling, or toe-tapping near the target at a location where the target is known to need to stand, as to wait for the bus, or standing right behind a target at a water fountain.

5. A group, as many as a dozen CBAs, may be assigned to arrive at a store just ahead of a target, and form a queue ahead of the target, spending time buying lottery tickets, to delay the target. (The target) is very tired and eager to get home after work, for example, or in a hurry.

6. Community-based agents may be assigned to leave a next door home or apartment exactly the same time as the target, repeatedly. Alternatively, a CBA may intercept the target a short way before home and arrive at exactly the same time as the target.

While these may seem like trivial acts, keep in mind that the target will have these “trivial” things happen every single day, and repeated intercepts like these will force the target to always watch for such acts, essentially ensuring the target never “has a nice day.” This is the goal, to ensure the target’s punishment. Similar intercept operations are performed with vehicles. The Center can schedule these every day the target commutes, and both to and from work. Vehicle intercepts are particularly effective when the target sees the same vehicle in an intercept convoy both in the morning and in the evening commute. (Because vehicle intercepts can be dangerous, CBA assigned to vehicle intercept duty must successfully complete a special training course prior to actual assignment.) Here are some examples of vehicle intercepts a community-based agent (CBA) can expect to be assigned.

-Parking so as to prevent a target’s leaving a parking area, and then disappearing.

-Parking commercial vehicles often, near target’s home with something unusual about these vehicles, such as there is no need for that trade, or just unmarked white vans to make the target think the van is there to conduct surveillance.

-Simple following, or leading, a short distance, but every day. Doing this, both during target commutes and then other times makes the target very uncomfortable.

-Passing as side street stop sign, then stopping an uncomfortable distance into oncoming traffic just as target is about to arrive at the side street, causing the target to have to slam on the brakes (this requires Control Center assistance and prompting by walkie-talkie style cell phone.

-For a CBA vehicle convoy, boxing in the target during a commute, forcing the target to travel at a lower speed than the target wants to travel. In some locations, the Center will supply special license plates to CBA vehicles with short words which have special meaning to the target.

-For a CBA convoy, and where the target is at a location (and time) where traffic is normally very sparse, cause heavy traffic, forcing the target to notice.

The ultimate vehicle intercept is the staged accident. This can be dangerous and is only assigned to very senior agents. However, it is possible to stage an accident so only the target knows it was staged. This is an excellent means of punishment where a target has committed a serious offense specifically against secret services by revealing their criminality to the public. Generally, staged accidents are done in jurisdictions where police strongly support the operations, so that the CBA driver is protected.


Physical sabotage is an especially effective form of punishment when it is carefully limited to low value items, below the value where police will take the report seriously. For example, burning a target’s house down, or even stealing an expensive appliance, would bring official investigators into the picture, so that is not done.

Sabotage producing extreme safety hazards is generally not suitable for operations, because of the potential for bringing official investigators to an accident scene. So while damaging the brake system of a target’s vehicle is not allowed for community-based agents (CBAs), draining some of the oil, transmission fluid or radiator antifreeze is allowed, but not all of it. The goal is to make it looks as if the target is negligent in maintaining fluid levels, and generally not causing a catastrophic failure that non-targets might see as sabotage.

It is very important to apply punishment by way of a large number of small value sabotage acts, because that makes it look like the target is forgetful, exaggerating, or in some cases even delusional, if they complain about many cases of small value damage. The target’s associates will simply refuse to believe that anyone but the target is responsible.

Sabotage is very important in that it lets the target know they are totally helpless to stop it, and can’t even complain about it effectively without appearing mentally ill. (The) organization (is) very fortunate in that some people, hearing about sabotage from a target did the sabotage themselves, “to get attention.”

Sabotage is applied at the target’s home, workplace, and on their vehicle. This requires the assistance of locksmiths and alarm technicians. Your local Control Center will supply this help, and will bring specialists in from a distance in the case of rural areas.

Here are some examples of sabotage a community-based agent (CBA) may be assigned to carry out:

-Entering a vehicle, or home, and changing control and radio settings.
-Replacing window washer fluid with water, possibly destroying the system in winter.
-Scratching the paint on the target’s vehicle, scratching furniture and valuables.
-Tire sabotage, from removing some air right up to slashing a sidewall if authorized by the Center.
-Simulating a break in electric window heater strips.
-Cutting off the 4-way flasher button.
-Removing substantial amounts of oil, transmission fluid or antifreeze but not enough to cause catastrophic failure.
-Moving things around inside the vehicle to show the target someone got in.
-Unlocking the vehicle and leaving it unlocked, possibly even with door open.
-Small cuts to car’s upholstery.
-Unlocking the target’s front or back door and leaving it ajar while the target is away, even at midnight at New Year for Y2 hour.
-Moving furniture or carpets around fairly frequently to show the target someone was there.
-Stealing low-value items, especially items like scissors which can be easily misplaced, keeping them until the target replaces the item, then return the missing item, often in a place the target checked.
-Stealing important papers, especially those which will cost money to replace.
-Stealing irreplaceable photographs.
-While target is at work, remove mail from their box and toss it around. Repeatedly making wall pictures crooked.
-Setting clocks to the wrong time.
-Repeatedly dumping consumable supplies (e.g. coffee) to make the target think they are no longer capable of managing their supplies well.
-Starting small rips in new clothing, which are widened on repeated visits.
-Ripping crotches out of the target’s underwear, or stealing finest underwear, swim suits, etc.
-Replacing clothing with similar items which are too small for the target, like for children what target does not have.
-Ironing inside button flags over, making buttoning the shirt or top difficult.
-Carefully working the tip of a knife through seams in any air mattress or cushion the target may own, including replacements, on a daily basis.
-Breaking zippers in clothes and bags, perhaps by pulling out a tooth or two.
-Shoving a knife through the soles of waterproof boots.
-At work, removing screws from the target’s office chair, or at home dinner table leaving only one screw of four, left to tilt the table with china.
-At work, damaging or destroying (if not extremely obvious) a target’s work from a previous day, (for example), the computer is broken again possibly worse.
-At work, replacing current copies of computer files with an older copy- particularly serious if target is a computer programmer.
-At work, where some employees are or can be recruited to be community-based agents, set up “mistaken deliveries” of heavy goods which block the target’s office.
-At work, if the target is responsible for parts of the operation which can be sabotaged, do so repeatedly just as the target starts eating lunch, or is about to leave for home.
-At work where the target is responsible for materials (that) can’t be locked up, sabotage or with special permission from the Control Center steal the material.

Thefts have to be carefully considered and authorized by your local Center, unless you have authorization, do not steal. One particularly effective type of theft is to remove small value, but often used items from the target’s premises. Once the target has been observed purchasing a replacement, the item is returned. This not only causes the target to spend money uselessly, (it also) imposes a feeing of total helplessness on the target.


Sabotaging the target’s reputation- and all that goes with it, such as ability to earn a living, business and personal relationships- is a very special operations category. Newer community-based agents will not be assigned to “engineer” the method, but will assist in passing “rumours,” which are the main means of destroying a target’s public image.

“Rumours” consist mainly of lies. However, in order to secure cooperation of specific members of the community to participate in the punishment phase, additional information keyed to appeal to the patriotic or community service sense of such community members may be used as well. As mentioned earlier, the organization has many top psychologists and psychiatrists on permanent staff at headquarters, and some in larger population centers. It is their responsibility to design the campaign to destroy the target’s reputation.

These people listed below can be approached and given information which will cause them to make the target’s association with them uncomfortable, or break off all contact with the target.

-Business contacts.
-Casual social contacts, such as clubs a target may be a member of, or a group that frequents a bar where the target is a patron.
-Local fraternal organizations- they are motivated by the public service, and are an excellent source of assistance in keeping the target under surveillance, and participating in the punishment phase as well.
-Store staffs at places the target shops.
-Target’s landlord.
-Target’s neighbors.
-Tradesmen who are likely to service the target’s home, car, or business.
-Bus drivers on the target’s route.
-Local children.
-City employees, including emergency medical technicians, ambulances.
-Homeless shelter staff and residents where applicable.
-Family members (surprisingly, many are ready to believe negative information.)
-Especially, personnel at places the target applies for work.

How intensely (these sabotage operations are carried out) is governed mainly by the need to prevent the target from (learning) that the negative rumors are being spread. The goal is to keep negative information covertly flowing into the community, in such a way that those receiving the information aren’t likely to tell the target. One might think that friends and family members would instantly notify the target and side with the target. Fortunately, experience shows that co-opting friends and family is surprisingly easy, once they are informed about the target’s criminal record. The Headquarters staff have developed techniques which by and large prevent that, but those techniques are beyond the scope of this manual. Suffice it to say that it is possible to apply “incentives” which cause even people closest to the target to cooperate. These incentives are applied by specialists from our organization at higher than the local level. For the community-level CBA, the work of sabotaging the reputation of the target takes the form of simply carrying out instructions from your Control Center as to what you say to whom, how, and when.


While the powerful silent support of operations by the justice and psychiatric systems has been sufficient to prevent the target from informing the public, the area of discrediting targets is an ongoing activity. Like sabotaging the target’s reputation, discrediting their public statements, web sites, media appearances, letters to the editor and the like are done under the supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists on their staff. If a community-based agent (CBA) has a good track record of intelligently carrying out assignments, and has access to a computer, the CBA may apply to the local Control Center for assignment to discredit work. Excellent communications skills are required. Some of the activities CBAs carry out under supervision are:

-Monitoring message boards, Wogs, and open media like Indy media for target posts.

This is normally done in special shifts and under scheduling and control at a higher level than your local CC. This monitoring is assisted by blog scanning software which will detect and instantly flag posts relating to activities. The CBA doing this work will immediately reply with comments like “Someone isn’t taking their medication” or “target name” has provided absolutely no evidence.” The CBA will then report the post to higher level supervisors for possibly more detailed responses.

-Monitoring newspapers in your area for letters to the editor regarding activities. Most editors and many reporters have been recruited and are willing to assist in keeping the important work of monitoring and neutralizing quiet, but once in a while, a letter to the editor will slip through. In this case, comments like “Someone isn’t taking their medication” are not an appropriate response. Transcribe and forward such a letter to the editor to the supervisor, along with your proposed response. The supervisor may edit your response, and will assist in ensuring your response is printed.

-Your supervisor will have staff monitoring upcoming talk show appearances by targets. While most talk show hosts, even those somewhat sympathetic to targets, have received discrediting information and often will not host targets, some targets do manage to get on the air. In this case, your supervisor will assign you to call in to the show, and instruct you as to appropriate things to say, such as rebutting the target’s claims, pretending to be a target calling and making “wacko” statements such as “UFOs are harassing me,” or pulling the discussion away from real activities and to something like “media mind control.”

-Agents who have excellent persuasive communication skills can be assigned, with careful coaching and preparation from supervisors, to pretend to be a target and get on talk shows known to air targets as the guest. These opportunities are great ways to discredit targets by talking about UFOs, things like black helicopters following you, foil beanies, satellites “parked” just above your home, and perhaps events normally considered “paranormal” like seeing (things that) appear and disappear. These discrediting topics must be a total surprise to the host, only mentioned after the show is in progress.

-CBA can “casually” describe the “odd behavior” exhibited by the target as a result of around the clock activities to the target’s neighbors. The idea is to focus the neighbors’ attention to the target’s behavior, hinting that maybe the target is mentally ill. This is easy once the target has developed suspicion that “everyone is out to get” him or her.

It is a special “honor” for CBAs to be chosen for target discreditation work.


This section will give some examples of ways community-based agents (CBAs) with specific trades or situations in the community can apply deniable punishment to targets.

-Underground utility crews, where the management has been recruited, schedule messy, noisy maintenance at the target’s home (or business if the target runs a business). This can include having the street torn up for extended periods, or repeatedly. Fundng for unneeded work is available from headquarters. Taxi drivers can delay arriving when called by the target, especially when going to the airport.

-Bus drivers have leeway, in nasty weather for example, to stop one stop away from awaiting target and wait there for perhaps 5 minutes, ostensibly to “get back on schedule.” This can also cause a target to miss connections with the next bus or train. This is especially effective when the target, exposed to bad weather, can see the bus waiting up the street for no apparent reason, or not stopping at all at your bus stop.

-Repair trades people can keep “getting it wrong” necessitating many recalls, be late, be messy, over-bill the target, and even damage things which were OK. This is especially effective in the automobile repair trade.

-Medical lab technicians can substitute blood samples, or otherwise falsify results making the target appear to have absolutely no reason for their complaints.

-Police can frequently pull the target over for frivolous reasons.

-Telephone and cable TV technicians can re-route legitimate calls to the target’s number in large numbers, and this will cause the target to get very angry with these totally innocent callers.

-Store staff where the target shops frequently can be instructed to remove items the target is known to need when a target is known to be coming. Store management can stop ordering a target’s favorite items.

-Restaurants and food delivery services can tell the target they are out of an item known to be a favorite of a target.

The key to successful punishment by trades people is that while the target is very likely to know they are being punished, these punishment acts must appear to the general public as “life’s normal breaks.”


Punishing the target at the target’s (home) is essential for effectiveness of secret service operations. If the target were punished in the community but was allowed sanctuary in their home, the creation of a “prison without walls” would not be complete. One of the very first things the Control Center (CC) will arrange is for homes or apartments adjacent to the target’s home to be occupied by both community-based agents (CBAs) and members in the Electronic Operations manual. Because operations are carried out 24/7 in shifts, homes and apartments which are leased or owned by staff are not used as dwellings. The lease or deed will bear either an entirely false name, or the name of a senior staff member whose actual home will be at a different location.

Some adjacent homes or apartments are occupied by neighbors of the target who have offered to cooperate in punishment of the target. The initial contact of neighbors to determine their willingness to cooperate is done by senior staff, and incentives to cooperate are often tendered. Here are some commonly used punishment activities which are carried out both by CBAs and cooperating neighbors of the target. Activities are rotated among the choices, but at least one of them is applied daily:

-Noise. Noise must be of a type which the general public deems “normal.” Remember that the goal is to have the target aware they are being punished, but not be able to convince anyone else that that is the case. Observe local noise curfews, but plenty of punishment can occur outside noise curfew times. The target must not have easy cause to involve law enforcement. Examples:

-Start leaf blower, times precisely when the target attempts to enjoy their yard, or when EC operators cue the CBA that the target is trying to nap.

-Loud music from neighboring home. This is an excellent action, as it is common. Time it so every time the target opens a window the music starts. The timing makes the point it is intentional punishment. EC operator can apply music in adjacent apartments with exceptionally powerful bass, directed at the target’s unit.

-Frequent squealing of tires near target’s home.

-In apartments, frequent drilling into a scrap of wood or masonry held against the target’s wall, floors or ceiling as if “working.” Alternatively, hammering. Especially effective when cued by EC operators that the target is attempting to nap.

-Tossing golf or tennis balls against the target’s home when the target is known to be trying to fall asleep. Ideal for cooperating neighbor children.

-Frequent use of sirens near the target’s home. Many emergency services employees have a strong sense of community service and willingness to cooperate in this, or by people posing as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

-Knocking on the door for frivolous/nonsensical/wrong address reasons. Especially effective when the target is in bed or having a meal.

-Trash. Leave trash in the target’s yard. Frequently, but CC staff will assist in scheduling this so that the target can’t quite have a case on which law enforcement will act.

-Terrifying the target’s pet. This requires entry while the target is away from home for an extended period and must be scheduled by CC. Electronic Corps (EC) operators can render a dog or cat passive for safe entry of the community-based agents, by electromagnetic beam.

-Wounding or killing the target’s pet. Rarely used, scheduled when the target has acted in a way so as to deserve special punishment, like divulging the name of a criminally acting secret agent.

-Killing domestic animals or wildlife and leaving them on the target’s doorstep. Scheduled when the target has acted in a way so as to deserve special punishment.

-Where the target owns substantial land, noxious activities can be arranged and built for next to the property. In one case, a dump, an auto race track, and a prison were built adjacent to a target who owned a large farm in an area of natural beauty. While this is rare, it does illustrate commitment to delivering punishment to those “deserving” of it.

-Cooperating police departments can visibly watch the target’s home. Possibly being parked in front of the home when the target returns, repeatedly.

Police officers who refuse to take complaint of harassment and sabotage of the target, who they label “disturbed” – really are NOT allowed to make diagnoses, as only medical doctors can do, but may get a raise- price- for their unlawfulness afterward. Police follow orders by e.g. Stay Behind, Secret Military-led organization, created by the CIA after WWII in NATO countries. They give orders in secrecy to police, media, legal system, and judges, etc. Thus, being above parliaments and governments as demonstrated, for example, in Norway when in 1957 the Chief of “Stay Behind” Sven Ollestad gave the security code of Norway to MI6 (British Intelligence) in the UK acting on his own! “We have to trust our allies,” he had said. Today, the security code of Norway is kept in Wales. Originally, Stay Behind was created with good intentions to fight communism. Today it is out of control, and a new, much bigger Stay Behind 2 is active in Norway. The Stay Behind logo resembles the NATO logo.

In Italy, Stay Behind was called Gladio 2 and dealt with terrorism secretly in Western Europe. It was responsible, for example, for the kidnapping and killing of Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978, while the blame was pinned on the Red Brigade. Today, enemies are communists and NATO (is the) opposition.

On November 22, 1990, the European Union forbade Operation Gladio, but although Norway follows most EU decisions, this one is omitted. Italy and Belgium had terror actions by Stay Behind, and when the organizations (ceased to exist, the terror operations also ceased to exist). In Norway, Stay Behind is called E14. What was its role in Norway’s terror actions, if any? Some have tried to get control of Norwegian Stay Behind (armies) already years ago. Who are the back men giving orders to those “officially” in charge?

The late Chief Medical Officer of northern Finland, and Targeted Individual, Dr. Rauni-Leena Lukanen Kilde

Appendix 1. Key Words and Phrases From the Organized Gang Stalking Manual Above

Key words to chapter 18.

Major operational components of organization:

-Community-based agent (CBA)
-Electronic Corps (EC)
-Electronic Operations Manual
-electromagnetic beam
-Control Center (CC)
-On-Site-Supervisor (OSS)
Field Operations People
-Advanced computer communications systems and computer programs

Elements of (secret service) gang stalking operations:

-Surveillance is foundation of all operations
-Operations are “active surveillance type”
-Passive surveillance, watching the target covertly, to obtain information
-Community-Based Agents- CBA
-Every act of punishment is DENIABLE
-Advanced technology enables heavy punishment (when) the target is in their home, silently through walls.
-Electronic Corps (EC) members get specialized Electronic punishment training
-Advanced electronic surveillance
-This manual
-Field operations people
-Psychologists are the key to find ways to maximize feelings of stress and hopelessness in target, and degrading target’s health.
-CBA’s are given cell phone number for reporting target actions and movement to local Control Center (CC)
-The Center (CC) always has target’s position monitored.
-Electronic Corps (EC) has through-the-wall surveillance and punishment equipment
-On-site-supervisor (OSS) will give hand signals
-Computer programs predict exactly when and where a target will be as they move through the community.
-OSS has special means of receiving instant, silent instructions for the Center.
-Intercepts are where CBAs appear to “just coincidentally” cross paths, on foot or by vehicle with the target.
-The ultimate vehicle intercept is the staged accident… excellent means of punishment where target has committed serious offense specifically against secret services by revealing their criminality to the public.
-Sabotage lets the target know they are totally helpless to stop harassment
-Thefts must be authorized by local Control Center
-Sabotage of target’s reputation- is special operations category- done by spreading rumors, consisting mainly of lies. The goal is to keep negative information about the target flowing through the community.
-The organization has many top psychologists and psychiatrists on permanent staff at headquarters. Their job is to design campaign to destroy target’s reputation.
-“Incentives” are offered to get neighbors, friends, community members to cooperate
-The “Organization has powerful silent support of operations by the justice and psychiatric systems
-Monitoring newspapers for letters to the editor regarding these activities.
-Monitoring talk radio show appearances by targets.
-Repair trades people can damage items (cars, travel trailers, etc.) of targets and/or overbill targets
-Police can frequently pull the target over for frivolous reasons
-Punishing the target at the target’s home is essential for effective secret service operations to create a “prison without walls.”
Operations are carried out 24/7 in shifts
-Control Center (CC) will arrange for homes or apartments adjacent to the target’s home to be occupied by both community-based agents (CBA) and members in the Electrical Operations manual.
-Electronic Corp (EC) operators can render a dog or cat passive for safe entry of the community-based agents, by electromagnetic beam.

Appendix 2. Key Terms from Rich (2011) and Equivalencies with Terms Presented in Kilde’s “Manual For Gang Stalkiers”

Terrorism- The US and its allies will terrorize the civilian population to achieve political objectives. The DOD stated: “Some IW activities, such as terrorism and transnational crime, violate international law. US law and national policy prohibit US military forces or other government agencies (OGAs) from engaging in or supporting such activities. However, since our adversaries employ terrorism and transnational criminal activities against the interests of the United States and its partners, these activities are included… as examples of the range of operations and activities that can be conducted as part of IW (Information Warfare).”

4GW – Fourth Generation Warfare- is a form of political/information warfare waged against civilians by a state or other entity. It utilizes civilians and the military, indeed all of society, to target civilian adversaries (aka “domestic state enemies,” “insurgents,” extremists, non-state actors, “cells of fanatics,” citizen “terrorists”) who value national sovereignty and/or pose some perceived threat to the state’s interests. Anyone disseminating information contrary to the state’s (“national security”) interests may become an enemy. The goal of the New War is the psychological collapse of the new enemies using a combination of tactics. Defeating the new enemies involves the synchronized use of non-lethal directed energy weapons, isolation, deprivation, and PsyOps against individuals and groups (aka TA, target audience and TI, targeted individuals). 4GW is more or less synonymous with unconventional warfare (UW), irregular warfare (IR), asymmetric warfare (AW), low-intensity conflict (LIC), military operations other than war (MOOTW), and network-centric warfare (NCW). This new war involves international, interagency cooperation between the military, federal and local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), the civilian population/private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and private government contractors. This multinational force (MNF), involving NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the UN, is termed civilian-military operations (CMO). TI – targeted individual (insurgents, non-state actors (NSAs), dissidents, terrorists, asymmetrical threats, irregular threats, potential enemies, etc.)

Insurgents – those who try to persuade the populace to accept political change. The enemy does not necessarily use violence to promote social change. Their methods may be nonviolent. These are groups of individuals not under government control, against the established leadership, who will be targeted because of an action they might take in the future. These may include nonviolent protesters who are labeled as terrorists. They may ‘wrap themselves in nationalism.’CMO – Civilian-Military Operations- combines military, federal agencies, NGOs, civilian organizations and authorities, and the civilian population. CMO is used in friendly, neutral, or hostile operational areas, including populated civilian areas in which no other military activity is conducted. It is used to deal with domestic threats in the New War. The controlling faction of these PsyOp/CMO activities includes the military, federal agencies, NGOs, regional organizations, and international organizations that work with civil authorities. (In the US, this means the controlling faction is FEMA, DOJ, CIA, and other federal agencies (FBI, DHS, etc.). Civilians are used as irregular forces. CMO are interagency and global in nature. In the US, they are used as part of Homeland Security.

CMOC – Civilian-Military Operations Centers- is established in the civilian sector for exchanging ideas. It may be a physical meeting place or a virtual one through online networks. Daily meetings are attended by representatives of the military, NGOs, the private sector, and local officials. Discussions at these meetings may include any ongoing campaigns against domestic threats in the area of operation.C4ISR- Command, Control, Communications, Computer Center that utilizes Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Multiple interacting components of C4ISRs include battlespace monitoring, awareness, understanding, sense making, command intent, battlespace management, synchronization, and information systems. C4ISR centers can be mobile or stationary, or virtual, or strictly computer-based. Each military service has its own tactical mobile C4ISR system; The Navy and Marines use ForceNet, the Air Force uses Command Control Constellation (C2 Constellation), the Army uses LandWarNet and WIN-T. Each type of C4ISR system is connected to GIG (global information grid).

CR – Cognitive Radio- (a kind of JTRS, or Joint Tactical Radio System) that consists of a computer which has AI (artificial intelligence). CR is an intelligent device that is aware of itself, the needs of the user, and the environment. It can understand and learn. DARPA helped create CRs through programs like the Adaptive Cognition-Enhanced Radio Teams (ACERT), and Situation Aware Protocols in Edge Network Technologies (SAPIENT).

GIG – Global Information Grid- developed partially by the MITRE Corporation, has been called DOD’s global C4ISR unit for netwar. It can quickly track down an adversary (target) anywhere on earth and attack them via DEW (directed energy weapons) and other forms of electronic warfare (EW). GIG uses existing commercial satellite and ground-based systems as well as GIG nodes such as aircraft, vehicles, and ships equipped with DR (JTRS). GIG is connected to all communications systems used by coalition and allied forces.

GWOT – Global War on Terror- use of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation warfare to achieve political/military objectives of the American Empire and New World Order.

IO – Information Operation- aka “cyber war,” information warfare,” network centric warfare (netwar, NCW) and command and control warfare (C2W).

In terms of activities of the internal enemy,” official sources suggest the act of simpoly conveying information alone can be described as IO. In this case, it is usually waged by people within oppressed populations.

In terms of government/military use of IO, DOD defines IO as: “The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specific supporting and related capabilities, in influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own.”

The 1999 “Air and Space Power Journal,” in an article called “What is Information Warfare?” states: Information Wafare is any action to deny, exploit, corrupt or destroy the enemy’s information and its functions; protecting ourselves against those actions and exploiting our own military information functions.”

This new war is fought for political purposes and revolves around the issue of gaining the support and influence of the population.
IW- Information Warfare- According to US Military and Defense Contractors, the “new enemy” use computers, the internet, fax machines, cell phones and public media to advance their objectives. They use “information operations” to influence state forces with the population. Various publications term the act of transmitting information “netwar,” “information operations,” “information warfare,” “information attacks,” etc.

Professor George J. Stein in “Information Warfare,” which appeared in Airpower Journal, stated: The target of information warfare, then, is the human mind…. The battle remains, the battle for the mind.”

What all this means is that the New War is an information war.

IO – Information Warfare-

Infrasonic and ultrasonic weapons- Infrasonic and ultrasonic generators, also called emitters and VLF modulators, are weaponized devices consisting of a directional antennae dish which can send acoustic pulses to a general or specific area. In 1972 France was using infrasonic generators which operated at 7 Hz on its civilian population. By 1973, the British was using the Squawk Box in Northern Ireland. This directional weapon could target specific individuals by producing an audible sound at about 16Hz which turned into infrasound at 2Hz when it coupled with the ears.

In early 1990s, Russia developed a 10 Hz VLF modulator adjustable up to lethal levels, capable of targeting individuals over hundreds of meters, causing pain, nausea, and vomiting.

As far back as 1997, the US DOD has been creating generators in the infrasound and ultrasound ranges (7 Hz and 20-35 Hz, respectively) which can cause these same effects.

These weapons can target the brain, causing changes in brain chemistry which influence thoughts and emotions. Particular frequencies and modulations will trigger precise chemical reactions in the brain, which produce specific emotions in the targeted individual.

Infrasound- Occurs within ELF range from a few hertz up to about 20Hz, which is the lowest limit of human hearing. From 1 to 250 Hz the pain/damage threshold seems to increase with frequency as well as power. Frequency determines what kind of damage occurs whereas power determines how much damage occurs.

Infrasound easily passes through buildings and travels great distances. Natural examples include avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, and waterfalls. Whales, elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceros use infrasound to communicate over great distances…. For whales, hundreds of miles. An electronic example would be a large subwoofer. Infrasound is thought to be superior to ultrasound because it retains its frequency when it hits the body.

From about 100 to 140 decibels infrasound causes a variety of biological symptoms. Effects include fatigue, pressure in the ears, visual blurring, drowsiness, imbalance, disorientation, vibration of internal organs, severe intestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Higher power levels can liquefy bowels, and resonate internal organs to death. It can also cause feelings of pressure in the chest, choking, irregular breathing patterns and respiratory incapacitation.

High powered, low frequency sound from about 30 Hz to about 100 Hz (just beyond infrasound) causes fatigue, blurred vision, bowel spasms, pain or damage to internal organs, feelings of fullness in the chest cavity, chest wall vibration, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, choking and respiratory impairment. Psychological effects include loss of concentration, disgust, apathy, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Micro-wave hearing- aka “synthetic telepathy,” “Voice of God,” and V2K, Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into a person’s skull which causes sounds like ticks, buzzes, hisses, knocks, chirps, and words. The sounds originate from within, above, or behind the head and are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction (thermal expansion). (Bone conduction is another pathway for sound transmission in humans and other mammals). There is no external noise. It can be applied from hundreds of meters away from a target using man-portable transmitters.

Dr. Allen Frey invented the technology in 1958. The transmitters use pulse-modulated waves at extremely low average power levels. In 1975, Dr. Joseph Sharp proved that correct modulation of microwave energy can result in wireless and receiverless transmission of audible speech.

NLW- Non-Lethal Weapons- have also been called non-injurious, disabling measures, immobilizers, strategic immobilizers, discriminate force, less-than lethal, pre-lethal, mission kill, new age weapons, soft kill weapons, slow kill weapons, silent kill weapons, limited-effects technology, neutralizing technology, reduced lethality weapons, low-collateral damage weaponry, etc.

DOD defines them as: “weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitates personnel or material, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel and undesired damage to property and the environment…. Non-lethal weapons employ means other than gross physical destruction to prevent the target from functioning.”

They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). Other types include Computer Attacks and Weather Modification.

NLW are to be used in combination. The CFR states: “These weapons must be deployed coherently in synergistic coordination with information/psychological warfare technologies.” Similarly, NATO, in their 2004 and 2006 reports, “Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations” and “Human Effets of Non-Lethal Technologies” indicates that NLW should be used in combination to increase their effectiveness. The US Military states that the goal is overwhelm the target by attacking all five senses, plus motor and cognitive functions.

Neuroimaging Devices- Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation

NLW- Non-Lethal Weapons- have also been called non-injurious, disabling measures, immobilizers, strategic immobilizers, discriminate force, less-than lethal, pre-lethal, mission kill, new age weapons, soft kill weapons, slow kill weapons, silent kill weapons, limited-effects technology, neutralizing technology, reduced lethality weapons, low-collateral damage weaponry, etc.

DOD defines them as: “weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitates personnel or material, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel and undesired damage to property and the environment…. Non-lethal weapons employ means other than gross physical destruction to prevent the target from functioning.”

They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp).

PO – Peace Operations- the new war (4GW, IR, UW, etc.)- aka “peacekeeping operations” by the UN, are international, interagency missions to contain conflict, maintain peace, and form a legitimate government. Most are run by DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) of the UN. The US Army lists them as a type of MOOTW.

PolWar- Political Warfare- a translation of the German term, “weltanschuauugskrieg” (worldview warfare), which means the scientific application of terror and propaganda as a way of securing ideological victory over an enemy.

PsyOp- Psychological Operations, a major part of the New War and a core part of CMO (civilian military operations) that is combined with EW (electronic warfare) and CNO. PO involve syngergistic coordination of PsyOp, MILDEC, OPSEC, and EBO. PsyOp units work with the civilian population as irregular forces to attack target audience (TA) in the area of operation (AO). PsyOp operators profile TAs and TIs and devise themes to attack their TAs (target audience), which include TIs (targeted individuals). Ultimate goal of PsyOp is to modify the behavior of the TA by destroying their will using a relentless attack consisting of painful triggers. A type of audiovisual product known as PsyAct includes agents of action who carry out plays in the presence of the TA. Every single channel of communication the TA uses for information is interfered with.

PsyActs – psychological actions- aka “F2C”- are audiovisual products consisting of “agents of action” who deliver messages to a TA (target audience or individual). Agents of action follow a set of guidelines while “play acting” to deliver the messages. PsyActs usually utilize multiple people to transmit messages. Themes are presented in a performance similar to a play or movie production. (Hence, the term “surveillance role player”). Words like sets, props, performance, theatre, actors, cast, script, audience, etc. are used.

The military sometimes actually employs people from theatre actor guilds and modeling agencies. PsyActs can occur during rallies, rumor campaigns, group meetings, lectures, theatre, plays, speeches, dances, banquets, fiestas, festivals, religious activities, talks with individuals during interviews on talk radio shows, and other social activities. Messages may be subtly transmitted during these events. Agents of action follow general scripts that can be modified as needed. This type of communication includes “key words” or phrases spoken by the actors in the presence of the TA.

PO- PsyOp- Psychological Operations, – US Military states that the ultimate goal of PO is to modify the behavior of the TA (TI) by destroying their will. This is brought about by continually inflicting pain. This is accomplished by a relentless campaign used to demoralize the TI that will create perpetual feelings of intense fear and hopelessness. The DOD describes this as an “attrition-based approach:” “Attrition is the product or gradual erosion of the will. The victim of this psychological attrition gradually becomes convinced that nothing he can do will yield a satisfactory outcome to a situation.”

In PO, themes are used to transmit painful stimuli (also called triggers) through all his/her channels of communication which a TA (TI) has been sensitized to. Triggers/themes are understood at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of the campaign and they are passed to various commanders of particular AO if the TA moves towards that portion of the battlespace.

The triggers are part of a behavior modification program called NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) which uses anchors and triggers to promote change. An anchor is created when an emotional state is linked to something such as an object, person, sound, smell, place, color, etc. Once the anchor is established, whatever the individual was exposed to during the anchoring process becomes the stimulus (trigger) that will provoke the emotion. So basically, PO is simply a series of “stimulus-response” interactions.

PO= aka or “information operations,” military deception (MILDEC), effects-based operations (EBO), neocortical warfare, political warfare (PolWar), and psychological warfare (PsyWar), aka command and control warfare (C2W), are a major part of the New War and a core part of CMO (civilian-military operations) that is combined with EW (electronic warfare) and CNO.

Po’s are a planned process of conveying messages to a target audience (TA) to promote certain attitudes, emotions, and behavior. These messages are typically conveyed using a line of persuasion known as a theme. TA (target audience) can be a group or an individual.

PO involve syngergistic coordination of PsyOp, MILDEC (military deception), OPSEC (operations security), and EBO (effects-based operations). And they are in MOOTW, CMO, IW, UW, LIC operations such as counterterrorism and peacekeeping.

The DOD and CFR consider PsyOp a NLW to be used on civilians. PsyOp units work with the civilian population as irregular forces to attack target audience (TA) in the area of operation (AO). PsyOp operators profile TAs and TIs and devise themes to attack their TAs (target audience), which include TIs (targeted individuals). Ultimate goal of PsyOp is to modify the behavior of the TA by destroying their will using a relentless attack consisting of painful triggers. A type of audiovisual product known as PsyAct includes agents of action who carry out plays in the presence of the TA. Every single channel of communication the TA uses for information is interfered with.

In “gang stalking/electronic harassment,” PsyOp is synchronized with EW (electronic warfare with directed-energy-weapons), CNO (computer network operations), and all other instruments of national power. The battlespace is your neighborhood and the war is global.

Early PsyOp research was done by a small private network of think tanks, foundations, and academic institutions, which went into partnership with government agencies and kept most of the results of their studies secret. Some of the institutions that conducted these studies were known to be subversive. Thus, much of the modern PsyOp was built by a small group of private interests, using the social sciences to install a global government. Some of these are the exact same groups promoting the use of PsyOp on civilians.

RF – Radio Frequency Weapons

Rumor Campaigns- used by PsyOp units to isolate TIs. Primary elements include the source, the rumor, and the receiver-repeater (R2).

Similarly, the US Marine Corps document, “Multiple-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare” (2006) states: “frightening the population into inactivity is sufficient to (achieve) our goals.”

TPD – Tactical PsyOp Detachment- team of about 13 personnel with a captain and staff sergeant. It is comprised of several TPT (Tactical PsyOp Teams) and provides tactical PsyOp support to brigade and battalion-sized units in support of Special Forces. TPT conducts mission assessment, determines distribution priorities, and tracks the various products that have been distributed throughout the AO. All teams maintain contact with each other. And the TPD is in constant communication with other forces such as the TPDD, POTF, or TPT during the entire operation.

TPT- Tactical PsyOp Team- small group including team leader, his assistant, and a PsyOp specialist.

CNO- Computer Network Operations- aka NW Ops, or network operations/NetOps) are information warfare attacks used to deny, deceive, degrade, and disrupt networks and computers used by the enemy. These are used in conjunction with PO (PsyOps) and EW (electronic warfare). This includes destruction of hardware and software (degrading, attacking) and spoofing (deceiving). The battlespace includes the internet. Internet applications that can convey PsyOp messages include email, websites, and chat rooms. When a TI goes online, they are entering the battlespace.

Web spoofing allows an attacker to create a copy of the worldwide web. The Air Force mentioned that an enemy’s internet could be spoofed to conceal one of its weather attacks: “Spoofing options create virtual weather in the enemy’s sensory and information systems, making it more likely for them to make decisions producing results of our choosing rather than theirs.”

DEW- Directed Energy Weapons- used to damage or destroy people, equipment, and facilities, include microwave, millimeter waves, lasers, bright lights, holographic projections, and acoustic weapons (audible, infrasound, and ultrasound). These weapons are silent and traceless. They cause a variety of effects, including tiredness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, convulsions, epileptic seizures, temporary paralysis, vibration of internal organs, cooking of organs, cataracts, burning sensation on the skin, hyperthermia (heating of body), headaches, loss of short-term memory, interruption of cognitive processes, cardiac arrest, and cancer.

These weapons can easily pass through most unshielded structures.

In their “Electronic Warfare” publication, DOD defines DEW as: “DE (directed energy) is an umbrella term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated EM energy or atomic or subatomic particles. A DE weapon is a system using DE primarily as a direct means to damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption.”

DEW include microwaves, lasers, bright lights, holographic projections, and acoustics.
The two basic types of DEWs include microwaves and lasers. (Wavelengths of lasers are about 10,000 times smaller than microwaves). Both are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The two main types of microwave weapons are millimeter wave devices such as the Active Denial System (ADS) and the electromagnetic bomb (e-bomb, which is the emission of a non-nuclear electromagnetic explosion or pulse).

DEW travel at the speed of light, are surgically accurate, can operate in all weather, are scalable, are silent and invisible (offering plausible deniability), their energy can pass through walls at distances of hundreds of meters to miles, and have long distance projection (tens of miles).

These weapons are mounted on platforms which can be a missile, aircraft, ship, vehicle, suitcase, radio, etc.

Appendix 3. European Parliament Resolution on Operation Gladio, Nov. 22, 1990:

Wikisource on Answers.Com

On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio. Joint resolution replacing B3-2021, 2058, 2068, 2087/90

A. having regard to the revelation by several European governments of the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization in several member states of the community,
B. whereas for over 40 years this organization has escaped all democratic controls and has been run by the secret services of the states concerned in collaboration with NATO,
C. fearing the danger that such clandestine network may have interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of Member States or may still do so,
D. where in certain Member States military secret services (or uncontrolled branches thereof) were involved in serious cases of terrorism and crime as evidenced by various judicial inquiries.
E. whereas these organizations operated and continue to operate completely outside the law since they are not subject to any parliamentary control and frequently those holding the highest government and constitutional posts are kept in the dark as to these matters,
F. whereas the various “Gladio” organizations have at their disposal independent arsenals and military resources which give them an unknown strike potential, thereby jeopardizing the democratic structures of the countries in which they are operating or have been operating,
G. greatly concerned at the existence of decision-making and operational bodies which are not subject to any form of democratic control and are of a completely clandestine nature at a time when greater Community cooperation in the field of security is a constant subject of discussion.

1. Condemns the clandestine creation of manipulative and operational networks and calls for full investigation into the nature, structure, aims and all other aspects of the clandestine organizations or any splinter group, their use of illegal interference in the international political affairs of the countries concerned, the problem of terrorism in Europe and the possible collusion of the secret services of Member States or third countries;
2. Protests vigorously at the assumption by certain US military personnel at SHAPE and in NATO of the right to encourage the establishment in Europe of a clandestine intelligence and operation network;
3. Calls on the governments of the Member States to dismantle all clandestine military and paramilitary networks;
4. Calls on the judiciaries of countries in which the presence of such military organizations has been ascertained to elucidate fully their composition and modus operandi and to clarify any action they may have taken to destabilize the democratic structure of the Member states;
5. Request all the Member States to take the necessary measures, if necessary by establishing parliamentary committee of inquiry, to draw up a complete list of organizations active in this field, and at the same time monitor their links with the respective state intelligence services and their links, if any, with terrorists action groups and/or other illegal practices;
6. Calls on the Council of Ministers to provide full information on the activities of these secret intelligence and operational services;
7. Calls on its competent committee to consider holding a hearing in order to clarify the role and impact of the “Gladio” organization and any similar bodies;
8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Secretary-General of NATO, the governments of the Member States and the United States Government.”

9. OTHER TACTICS (Dr. Rauni Kilde)

There are other tactics which are not strictly part of the categories discussed so far:

-IMPORTANT: Community-based agents (CBAs) are strictly forbidden from adding anyone to the list of targets. Target selection is done by senior Control Center (CC) staff or higher levels.
-Punishment of people who side with and help the target. Friends, family members, and citizens who do not place a high value on community sometimes help targets. In these very specific cases, CC-authorized punishment in the form of individual acts against them is appropriate. The system can arrange for these target sympathizers to be found guilty of crimes, or liable for civil actions, for example. This is important for maintenance of the system.

-Target bank accounts can be disrupted in ways which do not give the target cause to involve law enforcement. Examples: target protetion can be changed to “youth account,” or, an overdraft protection feature can be disabled, or simply steal money from the account. It is called action of “international banking ring” and usually at first the sums are around 50 – 100 dollars which are ataken when the target pays small bills.

-Money is never transferred to the journal subscription or membership in a certain club like “opposition to government surveillance.” Money simply “disappears” from the bank with help of cooperating employers. I have experienced the myself several times. Bank accounts are “hacked” for the payment and a new bill arrives for the already paid bill by the target, and the receipt of payment is stolen. There is cooperation with military intelligence, Stay behind, NATO, and foreign intelligence agencies also against their own population. (This is the) so-called secret silent war going on in all secrecy.

Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense

Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment. The New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO

In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets[19].

Zerzetsen: “Inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible without leaving any marks.[20]” Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this…

Counter-proliferation programs are intended to subvert the potentials of a target while punishing them with psycho-sadist techniques. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population.

Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives:

These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress
To discredit the target / To character assassinate / To slander the target
To taint the target’s image / To misrepresent the target
To suppress the target’s monetary success
To suppress the target’s good character qualities or people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target
To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target
To destroy relationships of the target
To co-opt the target’s manifestation
To turn the target into controlled opposition (In terms of beliefs & actions)
To incriminate the target
To round down the target’s output and audience – To marginalize the target
To eliminate connections & networking ability
To suppress the target’s personality
Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality
To punish the target / To torture the target
To destroy the target’s life
To stop a target from procreating / Ending a target’s bloodline (Eugenics)
To suicide the target / To covertly assassinate the target
To cover up the targeting operation
“If they see too much power and originality coming out of someone, they either use it and siphon it or they undermine it in order to neutralize it.” ~Ahmad Enani (TI)

COINTELPRO 2.0 Methodology:

Covert remote influencing technology suite
COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance neural AI net for psyche profiling
COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting
Ai based retro-causation; Extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them
Gangstalking / Organized Stalking
Trauma based mind control – No touch torture
Character assassination / Slander via proxies
Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection
Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target
Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target
Use of family against the target (e.g. Mind control of family)
Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target
To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward
v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic”
Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated
Technology playing devil’s advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble
Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)
Use of ego against a target
Weaponized mind control against a target
Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. An objective of stalking)
Specific technological control of a target’s body language or vocal tone (e.g. To generate mistrust)
Total individual control technology is used as a tactic to take away a citizen’s rights through faulty mental illness diagnoses[21]
Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken
Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target
Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. Public speaker related suppression)
Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. Music production, software design)
To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience
Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality
Synthetic suicide programming
Technologically enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries & activists

Electronic Targeting Holocaust

“While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful throughout time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower: From the Out of Print Book – The Matrix Deciphered

“My name is Dr. John Hall, I’m a medical Doctor from Texas. As a physician, relative to some of what you’re hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons, microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning,… Which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home, most of these from the research that we’ve reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research. I’ve personally corresponded with upwards of 1,500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation. Of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control….” ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission

“I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electromagnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking… Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electromagnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy.” ~Targeted Individual Sandra Fields, Speaking to Obama’s Presidential Bioethics Committee

“What the governments found, was that you could induce by changing the pulse frequency like morse code of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain, by specializing on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individual’s brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. Or show signs of schizophrenia, for instance 6.6 pulses a second can induce severe sexual aggression in men. … Technically what you could do is have someone committed to a psychiatric hospital or a jail for a crime, just by somebody saying that they had a psychiatric problem where by they didn’t.” ~Ex-British Royal Navy Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

“They can cause insanity, and it was an experiment. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. That was a successful outcome. And the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum in misery, but to the government scientists that was a success.” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

“The war against satellite terrorism isn’t just the USA. This is a global issue! I’m in tropical Queensland Australia and get battered daily.” ~Targeted Individual Amanda Emily Reed

MKULTRA Cover Stories

This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however it is almost always misidentified as other sources[8].

Directed Energy Weapon Cover Stories:
Mental illness as an electronic harassment cover story
End game technology packaged under persuasive “spiritual warfare” illusions
Directed energy interaction packaged as the supernatural
Government technology under a cosmic being facade
Religious themed illusions / Using religion mythology as a means for cover stories
Extraterrestrial contact as a psychological operation cover story
Ghosts as a cover story – AI orchestrated phantom illusions
End game technology as a sorcery cover story
End game technology as the real source behind effective voodoo
Witchcraft as a directed energy cover story
Black project science under a black magic cover story
Directed energy attacks deceptively packaged as physiological ailments
Synthetic signals in the brain from implants framed as physiological ailments
“Psychic Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
“Spiritual Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
New Age cover stories (e.g. Disembodied spirit illusions)
Old age mythological gods used as a cover story
Human based electronic harassment with aliens packaged as the perpetrator
Scientology methods as a cover story for technological remote influence
Exotic neurobody illusions (e.g. Chakra, entity attachments, ethereal implants)
Inter dimensional being interaction as an electronic targeting cover story
Exploitation of illusory explanations to conceal directed energy crimes

“People who have already assimilated the cover stories are often not ready to hear the truth.” ~Omnisense

Beings Impersonated:

Neighbors (Targeted Individual v2k)
Black Ops Agents (Targeted Individual v2k)
Family (Targeted Individual v2k)
Deceased Loved Ones / Deceased Relatives / Deceased Pets (Psy Ops v2k)
Demons (Mind Control Cover Story)
Jinn (Cover Stories)
Archons (Cover Stories)
Inter Dimensional Beings (New Age Psy Ops)
Extraterrestrials (Cosmic Being Impersonation Programs / UFOlogy Bastardization)
Entity Attachments (New Age Psy Ops)
Shadow Beings (e.g. To Cause Fear from an Obscure Source)
Archangels (To Impersonate a Higher Authority)
Lucifer (To Persuade into Evil)
Satan (Satanist v2k)
RA (New Age Psy Ops)
Spirits (Spiritual Warfare Illusions)
Ghosts – Phantoms (Directed Energy Trickery)
Faeries (Rehashed Old Age Cover Stories)
Higher Self (Mind Control Cover Story)
Panpsychism Based Impersonations (e.g. Gaia aka Mother Earth Speaking to People)
Saints & Mother Mary (Religious Impersonations)
Holy Spirit (Psychological Direction Method / Sleeper Assassin Method)
Ascended Masters (Impersonation of a Higher Power)
Jesus (Any Vector of Vulnerability is Exploited)
Person’s of Note (e.g. To get a Target to Murder them, To Psychologically Direct)
Any Mythological God of the Past (These can be pretty cool)
God / Allah / Yahweh / Jehovah (Impersonation of the Highest Power)
Done via Electronic Telepathy Contact (Voice to Skull – v2k)

“Directed energy weapons operate invisibly while the inducible mental limits of directed energy weapons are the limits of consciousness itself, this makes for an incredibly potent environment for illusions of all types.” ~Omnisense

NeuroWeaponry & Artificial Intelligence Quotes

“The point of the program is to have maximum psychological effect and leave the minimal amount of evidence.[22]” ~Anonymous Targeting Program Insider

“In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. They hired an engineer who built an “RF Mind Interference” machine based on Soviet schematics. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporter’s mind. The stunned engineer said that, given three weeks time, he could scale up the machine to use on a whole town, causing them to do things against their better judgement, see and hear things that weren’t there, etc. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades.[8]” ~Targeted Individual Jim Hastings

Mother’s Day for a TI

Dear Mom,
I’m sorry that I am a Targeted Individual. All I wanted was a great life; and I had one. Voice to Skull and Gangstalkers have ruined my life with Electronic Harassment. I know you don’t believe in this stuff and Dad doesn’t either, but that is fine with me. It’s very hard to get evidence of these crimes and I know you think I’m insane, but the technology exists now to hurt people and family in incredible ways.
I know you want me to believe that it is a mental illness; it makes me cry sometimes. The truth will prevail before our light in this world dims, so please just keep sticking by my side. You’re the best Mom a son could hope for. You’ve handled the situation exceedingly well and have put up with me living with you for the past half decade, and that is more than any Targeted Individual or person on this Earth could ask of their mother.

You are the best mom
I could ever ask for period
I love you always

Happy Mothers Day,

Making a Targeted Individual

Making a Targeted Individual can be done multiple ways, but the main way is to get an EMF reader (possibly a ghost detector) and use it on someone, then input their frequency with the device listed in the first 6 minutes of the video below:

Then use these for the desired functions along with the functions from the pictures in the video:

Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor Impulse co-ordination

Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears

Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes

Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense

Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts

It’s a frequency modulator connected to an antenna that transmits the voices and reads the thoughts, you just need a computer.


There are a lot of products out there that claim to shield you from Electronic Harassment, V2K and gangstalking, and I’ve read about and tested a few of them but have read about countless items over the past 4+ years of targeting.

Here are some that work:

ZVS Driver/Flyback Driver:

For blocking the harasser’s ability to see you or see things near it in your vision. I suggest a standard 12-48v ZVS Driver and a 24-48v power supply for this. The larger the power supplier, the bigger area it will cover. I personally have a 12v one right behind my computer screen on my desk so they cannot see my desk. It’s electromagnetic and may produce a blue aura for the harasser.

Shield Beanie from Shield Apparel:

Protects the head and temporal lobe (which ELF and possibly other radio communicates with for v2k) from RF signals up to 3ghz at -85db. This will lower your voices or possibly eliminate them completely, but this is the first beanie I got and I wear it almost 24/7. Skullcap:

This skullcap has the strongest shielding of all the hats I could find. Over 10ghz protection and -40ish db depending on the strength of the frequency. It almost completely eliminated my voice-to-skull and image-to-skull when I put it on. I now where it underneath my shield beanie for maximum protection from #v2k.

Xenolite Chest Wrap:

Useful for blocking heart, chest and body pain, it’s slightly more expensive than the other items listed but supposedly well worth it. Heart attacks have been common for me and I have this item on order soon. They may not be full heart attacks, but the pain that they can cause to my torso has been sometimes absolutely unbearable.

Tony W.

I’m Tony, I’m glad to see your efforts to communicate with TI’s. Twitter is therapeutic and helps TI’s vent and see others that are the same as them in this daily battle we face.
My story consists of several angles that I have dissected to find a conclusion that I am still uncertain of. It would take pages to describe all of my experiences so I can make a few to start with and maybe add to them later in other emails.
I distinctly remember playing on the sidewalk at about age 7-8 yrs old and hearing a voice tell me”you will never be president”and I forgot about it and played on, wondering “what the heck was that.” Later now that I’m reflecting I found this memory and others vivid in my mind still. At age 17-18 I enjoyed high school and had a great normal experience. I became an active member of Al-Anon 12 step program from my teens into my 20’s due to my broken families story. I would drive out of the little city I lived in near Dallas as a teen and go see a friend of our family that lived kind of in the country. As I would drive near to the friends house I would get v2k’d and completely didn’t acknowledge it as a teenager thinking it must be my mind somehow. Ironic that this friend of our family’s father had a company that supplies equipment for helicopter aviation for a number of companies like Boeing etc. including military and private companies. Also my friends father and my father were best friends and grew up together and had this company in there family for generations. Now that I look back I understand it was v2k and more than likely the police somehow doing it as they would appear all of the time and stare at me as a teen and into my 20’s because I was so different being that I was in this 12 step program that my mother and I both enjoyed and still do , and the fact I didn’t smoke or drink and some of my friends were suspicious of that except the normal ones.
Skipping a number of years, I found myself working for a company my friends owned as a warehouse manger at age 25. I became restless and after college soccer was over I decided this work was boring and I would join the military possibly. So I inquired with almost all branches even the Marines..shortly after my inquiry with Marines I began hearing popping noises and sounds in the roof of my house, I looked in the attic and found nothing and talked to my boss about it and he thought I was crazy. I actually went to the MEPS anyway(medical entrance program)and decided coast guard was more my style, I was almost in the coast guard. I decided not to join after seeing the big picture and instinct told me no don’t do it and I continued working as a warehouse manger where I continued to here loud popping noises on the metal roof of the warehouse.  I went to Colorado at 26 instead because I needed something new in my life. I found myself being targeted in Colorado and a friends voice that I used to hang around was the v2k voice they chose to try to make me hurt my friend possibly I guess. He was a pothead and I wasn’t, although we hung around together I didn’t know he was a major dealer and had friends that were possibly mafia and also had been busted for dealing and here I was hanging around them. So I see the possibility it was a cartel that targeted me yet the earlier experiences ruled that out. I thought to myself this is ridiculous and I began to understand this trickery. I was followed by undercover police and harassed while in Colorado. I was entrapped into more trouble than I had ever been in and snapped out of it to recover and explaining to the courts the truths of situations where I used self defense and I was dismissed luckily. It was as if they targeted people I came in contact with and somehow asked or made them try to harm me. I left Colorado unharmed and went home to Texas at 30. Now at 48 I see how much time has passed and how much of that time I have spent thinking about them and there trickery. My life is under control and still enjoy a support group based on a 12 step program “Al-Anon” because my father was an alcoholic. This support group does more than help me forgive my disfunctional family, it allows me to build a defense against the targeting and stalking and have numerous friends. In conclusion I now have seen the racism here in Dallas Tx. as a possible reality to my targeting from the beginning. Some street theater has involved people of color, and I have witnessed some attacks they have made on my vehicles over the years and my home. Never have they faced me face to face, only some words as I leave my home occasionally revealing they know what my plans are for the day. An example is when I go to the gym, I have heard a black woman say “workout,workout,workout” over and over with emphasis standing down the parking lot from me with no real meaning to it for her or anyone around her to respond. These provocations have been plentiful and I have laughed them off as I became educated on the goals of this evil targeting program, they want to get people in trouble and throw them away. I am on a steady path now and I forgive them because I know they are brainwashed and probably on some type of drugs. The details of my story go more in depth obviously, however I suspect people I came in contact with during my life were already in the program and designated to meet me, friend me, and gain info on me to aid in the targeting. The suspects who are old acquaintances or friends they introduce into my mind by making there voices are Kavin O’keefe who is a known pot dealer that I counseled in my early 20’s through Al-Anon,
C. Brock who was a friend from high school who’s uncle was a police man in our home town. So as you can see there are plenty of ways to connect these people with my earlier targeting before I ever met them. The trickery and deception is something they will have to reckon with through Gods judgement. I am separate from all of this now even though I still have a daily battle with them using v2k and lasers frequently shooting me in the eyes, usually in the morning. The reality that targeting can be in families before a child is even born is scary. I see all of the signs that people in my family could be victims of targeting and not even know it, especially my father. I am the youngest of 3 and the only male from my parents. I have graduated from a 2 year college this year and the v2k was never more active and electronic harassment than when I began to finish these classes. It was clear they didn’t want me to concentrate and would shut down my computer during tests as I began to finish the inline tests. Hacking has been part of it lately, they will turn of my tv remotely when I am preparing to listen to music while I get ready to work out, then all of the sudden the tv goes off. Lol… a childish attempt to provoke me and there have been so many. Once I went to start my vehicle which is in excellent condition, and I was in shock that it was having some kind of electronic issue, then it all of the sudden started. So as I drove off I clearly see a cop car drive next to me and the driver and passenger glaring at me vividly to let me know they had the ability to affect my vehicle. Fear and intimidation are there goals, I am way to strong in Gods word from my early experiences in the 12 step program which is spiritually based to fall for their tricks. I believe they will be found out in the near future with inventions to counter surveille and locate and prosecute them. I have considered filing a law suit agains the govt before I move to Canada soon. Canada is just part of my story I have already know. It is clean and cool, Texas is dirty and hot. I don’t care that they can read all of my emails and texts because I know they fear me as I am a man of God and always will be. I will email again when I organize some more of my story. This was all done on the spot today. Thanks so much for being there to recognize TI’s! Have a great day. Tony.

Remote Neural Monitoring

Physical Control of the Mind

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Physical Control of the Mind

Welcome to the Site
version en español ) ( versión en Español ) The functions of your brain can be monitoredand changed at a distance through EEG by radar 

” It is possible to remotely monitor the electrical activity of the brain, entire regions or selected parts through the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves from a remote point of the target brain ” (The individual components of the system for monitoring and controlling brain wave activity may be commonly used in radar systems )

This is a site that discusses scientific articles on the physical control of mental functions.

The purpose of the website is to publish, disseminate and discuss themes and technologies used in the physical control of human mental functions.

Here you can download books and articles, as well as publish your articles and opinions on the subject. 

Physical control of mental functions can be done at a distance, through the EEG by Radar . ( Victorian, Armen: ” Neural manipulation by remote radar , published in Lobster No. 30 ) . 

Therefore, it is no longer necessary to use electrodes to capture the electrical variations of the brain.

Brain functions that can be activated at a distance include:

  • The calls Voice-to-skull (direct voice in the brain or synthetic telepathy *) through the auditory cortex;
  • Production of Brain Images ( produce images direct in the brain , and generate vivid dreams);
  • Mental pain (brain shocks, electric shock sensation and electric current in the body);
  • Production of physical pain from electrical stimulation of the brain (toothache, muscle pain, stomach pain, etc);
  • Production of scintillating lights ( phosphenes ) and production of sensations of phantom presence by activation of the left temporoparietal junction;
  • The Heart (can be paralyzed, retarded or accelerated by the proper stimulation of certain cortical and subcortical structures);
  • Respiratory Movements (rhythm and amplitude can be controlled remotely);
  • Secretion and Gastric Motility ;
  • The Mental Functions (flow of thought, control of language, aggressiveness);
  • Sensory Functions (listen to sounds and see the images produced by the target brain through the auditory cortex, and visual);
  • Sexual Functions (producing sexual excitement or inhibition, impotence, premature ejaculation, poor vaginal lubrication, prolonged sexual arousal and arousal, etc.);
  • Visceral Functions (including muscles of the mouth, stomach and intestine) can be modified, producing abdominal bloating, feeling of pimples in the stomach, gas, activation or inhibition of intestinal peristalsis, vomiting, feeling sick, nausea , urgency in defecating or urinating, constipation, urinary incontinence;
  • Motor Activities ( specific or generalized muscle contractions of the whole body, face, scalp, tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias, cramps, convulsions, tremors throughout the body);
  • Sensory Perceptions (such as illusory perception of movement, vertigo, dizziness, tingling, itching, etc);
  • Sleep (too much sleep, or sleep deprivation );
  • The pupil diameter (which can be regulated from maximum constriction to maximum dilation, equal to a photographic camera, by sending signals to the hypothalamic region of the brain);

(See visual cortex reading and synthetic telepathy implemented through computer brain interfaces .) The Silent Talk Project implements synthetic telepathy.  Patent Video to Generate Microwave Hearing Via Broadcast ) .

The diagram below summarizes the operation and summarizes the registered patent invention in the USA, with the number United States Patent 3951134, the patent name is Apparatus and Method for remotely monitoring and altering the brain waves.

Another complementary patent is: Cryogenic remote sensing physiograph . For mapping remote human functions including EKG, EEG, EMG, EOG, etc. According to the patent is apparatus and method for remotely detecting super- low frequency ( SLF ) and extremely low frequency ( ELF) signals emitted by humans.
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves .

An apparatus and method  for detecting brain waves at a remote location of an individual in which the electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the subject’s brain such that the signals interfere with one another to produce a wave configuration which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves.The interference waveform, which represents the activity of the brain waves, is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified.The demodulated waveform is displayed for viewing and routed to a computer for processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform can also be used to produce a compensation signal, which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in target brain electrical activity. “

The technology works by altering the electrical signals of the brain at a distance, and the target subject is monitored by remote EEG, the basic functioning is that the brain of humans, as of any higher living being, works through electric discharges. Radio interference spectra are used to avoid interference.

These electrical discharges can be detected in electroencephalogram (EEG) tests. Each area of ​​the brain produces electric discharges with differentiated voltages, (obeying certain voltaic variations for each area.)

In traditional EEG, each electrode defines a channel associated with a particular brain area. This area produces electrical variations that are presented as waves in the EEG. In the analysis of the Remote EEG the same procedure is defined as the return wave is the resultant wave of each area of ​​the brain.

The image below demonstrates this fact:

Interference channels of distinct areas of the brain and resulting waveform formation (brain frequency and modulation)

The drawing illustrates the same brain area of ​​two distinct individuals. Notice that each individual produces subtle variations in the waves, that is, it generates differentiated electric currents. Even specific regions of the brain can be monitored in detail in their electrical variations and a resulting wave generated, as in the figure below.

 Bi-directional brain monitoring system.
Radiofrequency and EEG telemetry.

How brains can be individualized remotely.

One issue that is not much discussed in the literature on the subject is how an individual’s brain can be isolated at a distance, so that even if that individual is very close to other people, only he will suffer the symptoms of the EEG biometry, which allows the individualization of the target brain specific frequency, as a brain signature identified at a distance.

EEG biometrics is already well known, and there are several articles on the subject. For an individual to be recognized solely and at a distance, it is enough that the electrical waves of his brain are amplified. The technology for producing cerebral identities at a distance is the same as that used in radar , and is based on the amplified Doppler-Fizeau effect .

After that an algorithm is used, in the P300 model , to create an individual identifier checksum . This checksum is produced from two or three distinct areas of the brain, which have distinct variations in individuals. With this we have the cerebral frequency of the individual represented as a number identifying the electromagnetic structure of that brain.

Brain Area Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense
Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts
You can identify the pattern for the motor, auditory and visual cortex. Each of these areas generates a distinct electromagnetic pattern for each individual. Once this electromagnetic pattern is identified, it is sufficient to use a biometric reader to generate the checksum , that is, the individual brain frequency of that individual.

At first any area of ​​the brain can be used, as well as the checksum generation model , and the number of areas to be used in identifying the individual.

In general, it can be said that changes in the state of the brain generate distinct electromagnetic variations that appear in the EEG differently.

” In the example shown therein, two signals, one of 100 MHz and the other of 210 MHz are transmitted simultaneously and combine in the brain to form a resultant wave of frequency equal to the difference in frequencies of the incident signals “.

In the figure above, the first figure shows the brain in a certain electromagnetic configuration, with specific areas activated, in orange. In this condition the brain produces an electromagnetic wave variation proper to that pattern. In this way, it can be said that each brain has a clock speed of processing that once identified defines its brain signature. Experiments with molecular computers replicate this effect.

If the brain configuration changes, the wave pattern also changes, and can be identified by the Remote EEG monitoring system. Thus, each brain has a specific frequency, and its various mental states are represented by the specific modulations of that frequency.

The brain is an antenna operating at frequencies differing for each individual. The various modulations of this brain frequency represent differentiated mental states, triggering distinct regions of the brain.

If the brain pattern is sent from the computer, through antennas, to the air (as with radio waves), only the brain that responds at that frequency receives the electromagnetic interference generated, in which case the brain is configured in the pattern established by the received wave.

US Patent US4940058 depicts the diagramming of an apparatus for remote monitoring of the internal physiological processes of a human subject, capable of measuring the electromagnetic signals emanating from the body of said individual, separating the ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG, and respiration in the form of waves representing the said physiological processes. To do so, an analog-to-digital converter capable of converting 0.3-4.0 Hertz signals into digital signals is required in the specification.

Once the individual is identified, their brain functions can be monitored and altered through the electromagnetic waves generated by a computer. Mental functions that can be altered include the functions of the nervous system , both the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system.

Emotions and feelings can also be changed by sending out emotional signatures recorded on EEG models. For example, sadness and depression, as well as joy and other emotional states, define a specific form of variation of brain activity, for each emotion there is a specific brain state.

When these emotional states, obtained by the EEG wave variations, are recorded in a computer, they can be induced in another brain, generating the same emotional state recorded earlier.

The ” Mind Control Technologies ” file summarizes a group of technologies used to manipulate brain functions.

The video below summarizes the so-called Remote Brain Monitoring:

EEG Remote Monitoring

Remotely Activated Brain Functions

In his book, Physical Control of the Spirit , Delgado questions, and then responds affirmatively: “Will impulses, desires and thoughts be commanded by brain stimulators on the radio?” In his experiments, Delgado demonstrated that one can, through cerebral stimulation by radio, modify various aspects of the body. 

Delgado also said that everything that can be done with stimociver, the biochip patented by him, can also be done with electromagnetic waves. In the text Psychocivilization and Its Discontents: An Interview with Jose Delgado stated:

“I could later do with electro-magnetic radiation what I did with the stimoceiver.” It’s much better because there’s no need for surgery … I could make apes go to sleep. ‘m sure they’ve done a lot more research on this in both the US and Russia . ‘

In translation : “I can do with electromagnetic radiation the same as I did with the stimoceiver … I can make monkeys go to sleep.I stopped that line of research fifteen years ago.But I’m sure they did a lot more research on this in the USA. and Russia. ”

The figure below demonstrates the stimulation of radiofrequency aggression in experimental monkeys.

Aggression Stimulation in laboratory monkeys.    

Delgado worked with biochip implants and radio-actuated electrodes (stimociver) in the 1960s . Since the 1970s, implants were no longer needed to produce the same effects as implants , since the brain itself can be modified by electromagnetic waves.
These lines were to explain, in general, the model of control of the cerebral functions, executed at a distance, indicating only some examples of the possibilities and the limitations of the technology of control of the cerebral functions at a distance.

One of the limitations is the impossibility of controlling consciousness, since technology changes only brain functions. This subject is very well discussed in the chapter titled “Characteristics and Limitations of Brain Control” in the book ” Physical Spirit Control “.

The next links detail who uses the technology , what the goals are for producing physical distress in ordinary individuals, and the ways in which technology can be deactivated by victims .

What is important to note is that the conscious induction of pain and suffering into individual targets represents the primary goal of this technology, as well as being a mechanism of fear production and social control.

Technology is not used in isolation, as there is always a group of people performing a ‘ street theater ‘ street theater where the target individual lives. This phenomenon is called ‘ Gang Stalking ‘ and consists of a group of people following and trying to create a controlled social scene for the target individual.  

The functions of the visual and auditory cortex can be monitored, which allows seeing and hearing what the target individual is witnessing, and the other areas of the brain can also be monitored, allowing a series of sensations experienced by the individual to be remotely identified.

This combined with the social scenarios of gang stalking creates an environment of torture, physical, mental and psychological suffering for the target individual. It is worth remembering that the brain functions, when activated remotely, can not be controlled by the target individual, that is, the aggressiveness activated remotely will generate an aggressive individual, even if the same does not feel reasons for aggressiveness.

After reading the rest of the site, search for the terms ” Synthetic Telepathy “, ” EEG Remote Monitoring “, “Voice to Skull” for more information. There is a lot of record of using these technologies, and the search for evidence is no longer a goal, the goal now is to find defense technology against such procedures.

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